Monday, January 7, 2013

Adaptable 4-3-3 formation

The Initial Formation

The General Idea

The idea is to have a flexible formation where the same player can play different positions at different moments of the match depending on the circumstances, looking to create empty space to receive and disadjustments on the rival defense.

The Movements

  • Side midfielders go middle to create empty space on the side for sidebacks to receive.
  • Side forwards go middle to create empty space on the side for midfielders to receive.
  • There are always 2 CBs, 2 CMs and 2 CFs, but not always the same players.

The Positions

  • As Sideback: Covering a sideback that goes midfield (if necessary).
  • As Side Midfielder: When his side's midfielder goes middle (never when he's taken winger position) and there's free space to go up.
  • As Defender: Taking CB/SB when sidebacks go up (if necessary).
  • As Winger: When his side's forward goes middle (never when opposite side's midfielder goes up).
  • As Deffensive Midfielder: When opposite side's midfielder goes up.
  • As Winger: When there's free space on the side.
  • As Central Forward (2nd post): When opposite side's midfielder goes up or opposite side's forward is on winger position.
  • As Offensive Midfielder: When his side's midfielder goes up, staying a bit back for rebounds/clearances, supporting attackers or long shot.